Streamline the distribution process with these tips from QuartzSales.

The management of each aspect of the distribution process must be done in a unified manner and with highly competitive criteria.

When we talk about the distribution or supply chain process, it is impossible not to call it one of the most critical areas within the retail sector due to the large number of operations and assets that play an important role in it; therefore, operating margins must be optimized in every aspect of the process as this has a direct impact on business results.

In this sense, three key points to optimize when we talk about the distribution process are:

  • Inventory planning.
  • Resources (human, material and financial).
  • Business operations.

In addition, during the supply chain process in the retail sector, operating margins can be improved from the factory to the store, from transportation and warehouses through automation. When referring to the distribution process, making deliveries at the lowest possible cost without compromising service quality and on time is one of the main challenges for operators. A successful delivery has a direct impact on the brand's customers, who, based on their satisfaction levels, will continue to purchase your products.

In order to meet deliveries and supply demands, the management of product logistics and distribution must be optimized. If there is little communication between the distributor and his customers, or even among members of the company, performance will suffer. In order to achieve the desired optimization, it is important to consider the use of technological tools based on advanced analytics and artificial intelligence that are capable of accurately predicting demand, in addition to providing performance indicators, which are key for any business, helping you to make the best decisions and design the most effective strategies for the company.

Likewise, keeping your information centralized and being able to control, measure and observe each of the aforementioned aspects is of the utmost importance. Other important points to take into account are:

  • Digitization of processes. Forget manual processes and information management in endless Excel sheets; Today, companies must professionalize and acquire the resources that allow them to achieve greater efficiency. Manage the data in terms of demand levels, inventory, stock breaks and more, from a single system, which will make all your information centralized, allowing you to have better control of orders.
  • Control your agenda and that of your sales team through visit calendars (routes); View your stock, place orders and train your sales team.
  • Make decisions based on real data. To design a really effective sourcing strategy and logistics operation, you must plan based on real data. Go by KPI's according to each profile, efficiency KPI's, performance comparison KPI's, visualization of dashboards with analytics, predictive analysis and more.

In addition, the process within the store also plays a fundamental role that directly affects the supply chain. By adopting QuartzSales as a platform for the comprehensive management of your trade marketing processes, you will improve your logistics and distribution and you will also control everything related to the PDV that is key in the planning of the entire supply chain. Thanks to the data regarding the activity of the stores that you can manage through QuartzSales, you will obtain a prediction of future demand, which can be later used both in warehouse planning and management, as well as in manufacturing and logistics.

Technological progress provides us with solutions that drive us to increase our productivity every day and, in the retail industry, digitization has come to revolutionize the way in which we carry out each of our processes. Remember that QuartzSales is a platform for the management of commercial teams and the integral execution of Trade Marketing created by e·Saurio, under its unique methodology for the development of Enterprise SaaS software called TURBO and its contributions to every aspect of building the perfect store they are innumerable.

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